Fort Lytton, Australia

General Attributes
Project NameFort Lytton
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
LiDAR - Terrestrial1.13 GBZEB1 GeoSlam Phase Based Laser Scanner
Site DescriptionOften considered the birthplace of Queensland's military history, Fort Lytton is a coastal fortress that served as Brisbane's front line of defense from 1881 through the end of the 1930s. The pentagonal fortress was surrounded by a water-filled moat and concealed behind grassy embankments, making Fort Lytton a prime example of a nineteenth century garrison. The fort's strategic location by the mouth of the Brisbane River was designed for better support and protection of the river mines, and to defend the Port of Brisbane against enemy attacks. After World War II, Fort Lytton was replaced by more modern batteries and the site was abandoned. In 1963, the Ampol petroleum refining company obtained the site, and ownership was transferred to the Queensland Government in 1988. Fort Lytton has since become a national park under the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, protecting an important link to Queensland's military past.
Project DescriptionFort Lytton is currently managed by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and it was declared a National Park in 1989 for its outstanding cultural heritage values. National Parks staff and community based volunteers from the Fort Lytton Historical Association have worked to preserve and interpret the cultural record of the site. In order to help the interpretation of the site, a number of reconstructed artillery pieces have been installed. In 2013, digital documentation of the site was undertaken using the Zebedee handheld 3D laser developed by CSIRO. The mapping system was trialled at Fort Lytton through a collaboration of CSIRO, the University of Queensland's School of Architecture and the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service.
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Collection Date2013-10-07 to 2013-10-11
Publication Date2020-06-22
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
CollectorsQueensland University of Technology
FundersDepartment of Environment and Science - Queensland Government
PartnersCyArk , The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) , University of Queensland
Site AuthorityN/A
2020: Fort Lytton - LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by Queensland University of Technology . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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