Stonewall National Monument, United States of America

General Attributes
Project NameStonewall National Monument
CountryUnited States of America
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
Photogrammetry - Terrestrial11.22 GBFuji XT2 , Nikon D810 Mirrorless , DSLR
LiDAR - Terrestrial6.33 GBFaro Focus S350 Phase Based Laser Scanner
Site DescriptionThe Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich Village, was the site of a police raid in the early hours of June 28th, 1969. This was not an unusual occurrence, as the LGBTQ community faced intense discrimination from law enforcement at this time. But instead of dispersing, the angry crowd fought back and the resistance and uprising was a key turning point in the LGBTQ rights movement. In June 2016, President Obama designated the Stonewall National Monument, America's first LGBTQ national park site.
Project DescriptionTo commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising CyArk documented the Stonewall Inn National Monument Site in March, 2019. The project, the first of its kind to detail an LGBTQ historic site employed 3D mapping technology including LiDAR laser scanners and photogrammetry to create a sub-centimeter, detailed record of the site as it exists today. The three-person mapping team captured exteriors of the park, the bar and its Christopher Street neighbors and, importantly the interior of the Stonewall Inn. This record will aid in the preservation of the national monument and make this important part of history accessible to visitors across the globe, for generations to come. This project was made possible through the generous support of Iron Mountain.
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Collection Date2019-03-04 to 2019-03-09
Publication Date2019-05-15
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
FundersIron Mountain
PartnersStonewall Inn , NYC LGBT Historic Sites
Site AuthorityNational Park Service
CyArk 2019: Stonewall National Monument - Photogrammetry - Terrestrial , LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by CyArk . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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