Fort Brown, United States of America

General Attributes
Project NameFort Brown
CountryUnited States of America
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
LiDAR - Terrestrial1.82 GBFaro Focus S120 Phase Based Laser Scanner
Site DescriptionFort Brown was a military post of the United States Army in Cameron County, Texas used during the later half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.The site was constructed in April 1846 by General Zachary Taylor and his U.S. Army of Occupation and was intended to bolster U.S. assertions that the Rio Grande was the southern boundary of the United States, but its presence only heightened tensions with Mexico. Mexico disputed the U.S. claim to the Rio Grande and assembled an army to confront the troops in the U.S. fort. The siege of Fort Brown prompted the first major battles of the U.S.-Mexican War, but that war also shaped the history of the fort. The conflict officially established the Rio Grande as the boundary between the United States and Mexico, and Fort Brown remained an important post on that border until after World War II. The original earthworks, however, were abandoned shortly after the siege of May 1846 and were never again used.
Project DescriptionIn September 2013 CyArk collaborated with the National Park Service to document Fort Brown with LiDAR laser scanning. The following year this data was combined with ground penetrating-RADAR (GPR) data to compile a much more accurate representation of the fort’s original foundations.
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Collection Date2013-08-19 to 2013-09-04
Publication Date2020-06-22
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
Site AuthorityNational Park Service
2020: Fort Brown - LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by CyArk . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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