Lincoln Memorial, United States of America

General Attributes
Project NameLincoln Memorial
CountryUnited States of America
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LiDAR - Terrestrial11.36 GBFaro Focus S120 , Leica C10 Phase Based Laser Scanner , Time of Flight Scanner
Site DescriptionThe Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC stands as a tribute to the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who carried the nation through the American Civil War and passed the abolition of slavery. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. While there were plans to build a memorial for the 16th President as early as 1867, Lincoln Memorial opened to the public in 1922. The memorial was created by architect Henry Bacon who modeled the building off of the Parthenon in Greece, the birthplace of democracy. The 36 Doric columns, representing the 36 states in the Union at the time of Lincoln's assassination flank the building, which is also covered with friezes and relief sculptures. The central space is dominated by the seated statue of Lincoln, carved by the Piccirilli brothers and Daniel Chester French. The north and south rooms contain inscriptions from Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address and his Gettysburg Address as well as two murals painted by Jules Guerin. The steps at the Lincoln memorial as well as the path leading up to the Reflecting Pool has been witness to monumental moments in American History including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's 'I Have a Dream' speech. The memorial aligns along an axis with the other buildings on the National Mall.
Project DescriptionCyArk collaborated with Pennsylvania-based forensics firm DJS Associates in 2013 to digitally preserve the memorial structure at its current condition. The team assisted in documenting the site through 3D laser scanning and high resolution digital photography. The conservation products developed after the documentation work, such as a the orthophotos for architectural drawings, were used to complete the Historic Structure Report (HSR) for the monument. All of this work was completed under the auspices of the National Parks Service.
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Collection Date2014-04-28 to 2014-05-01
Publication Date2018-04-16
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
CollectorsCyArk , DJS Associates
FundersDJS Associates
Site AuthorityNational Park Service
CyArk 2018: Lincoln Memorial - LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by CyArk , DJS Associates . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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