Kastro Apalirou, Greece

General Attributes
Project NameKastro Apalirou
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
LiDAR - Terrestrial14.49 GBFaro Focus X330 Phase Based Laser Scanner
Site DescriptionPerched high on a mountain overlooking the island of Naxos, the Byzantine fortress of Kastro Apalirou is believed to have served as the administrative capital for the entire Aegean region. The site has not been fully documented and site conservators will benefit from a complete inventory of the extensive surface structures.
Project DescriptionIn the summer of 2016, CyArk in collaboration with the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture, Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, documented three cultural heritage sites on the island of Naxos. CyArk completed laser scanning (Faro X330 laser scanner) along with aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry (with a Canon 5D and Phantom 3 drone). The documentation of the castle will be used by the Ephorate of Antiquities to complement existing documentation of the site and to help with planned restoration.The CyArk field team completed over fifty laser scans around the Byzantine castle of Apalirou. A combination of terrestrial and drone photogrammetric documentation captured over 9,000 images that will be used to create a photo-realistic model of the impressive structure and its steep mountain setting.
Collection Date0000-00-00 to 0000-00-00
Publication Date2020-06-22
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
Site AuthorityEphorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades
2020: Kastro Apalirou - LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by CyArk . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D. https://doi.org/10.26301/d998-rd62

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