Mother Tree, United States of America
General Attributes |
DOI | 10.26301/ez8d-zk58 |
Project Name | Mother Tree |
Country | United States of America |
Status | Published |
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Spatial Data | Download (Links to all available data types will be emailed) |
Data Bounds (approx.) |
Data Types |
Data Type |
Size |
Device Name |
Device Type |
LiDAR - Terrestrial | 33.6 GB | Faro Focus S350 | Phase Based Laser Scanner |
Photogrammetry - Aerial | 9.47 GB | DJI Phantom 4 Pro | Drone |
Photogrammetry - Terrestrial | 15.5 GB | Nikon D810 | DSLR |
Background |
Site Description | Big Basin Redwoods State Park is the oldest park in California. It is home to the largest continuous stand of ancient coast redwood trees, some predating the Roman Empire. The park's iconic old growth redwood trees that tower hundreds of feet above the forest floor have witnessed centuries of transformation including significant fires and weather events. In the fall of 2020, wildfires raged across California. The CZU Lightning Complex Fire significantly impacted the park, including the historic headquarters as well as many iconic old growth trees. In the spring of 2021, CyArk digitally documented the impact of the fire on the iconic trees and the headquarters area. |
Project Description | In the fall of 2020, wildfires raged across California. The CZU Lightning Complex Fire significantly impacted the park, including the historic headquarters as well as many iconic old growth trees. In the spring of 2021, CyArk digitally documented the impact of the fire on the iconic trees and the headquarters area utilizing LiDAR, photogrammetry, and survey technology. The data was used to create a series of Google Arts and Culture exhibits about the impact of the fire, resilience of the Redwoods, and the history of the park. |
Google Arts & Culture | View exhibit |
Additional Information | Learn more |
Collection Date | 2021-03-22 to 2021-03-26 |
Publication Date | 2023-04-04 |
License Type | CC BY-NC-SA |
Citation |
2023: Mother Tree - LiDAR - Terrestrial , Photogrammetry - Aerial , Photogrammetry - Terrestrial . Collected by CyArk . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D. |
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