Third Avenue United Church, Canada

General Attributes
Project NameThird Avenue United Church
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LiDAR - TerrestrialN/A GBFaro Focus S120 Phase Based Laser Scanner
Site DescriptionThe construction of Third Avenue United Church in Saskatoon began in 1910. At this time, the Methodists, later to become the United Church in 1925, worshipped at a more modest building on the corner of 3rd Avenue and 21st Street. Architect J. Semmens was selected to design the church. Construction was finished in 1913 on land bought by Temperance Colonization Society. The building’s diverse architectural features, including a massive stained glass window, a large Casavant organ, and a sprawling network of oak ceiling beams, create a unique ambiance which musicians insist gives the building the best acoustics in Saskatoon.
Project DescriptionIn June 2012, Third Avenue United Church and Tourism Saskatoon partnered with Stantec and CyArk to digitally preserve the iconic structure. To achieve this, a team from Stantec synthesized data from terrestrial LiDAR scans made with a Faro S120 and conventional survey methods to create an accurate digital reconstruction of the site. This data is securely stored in CyArk’s archive to assist in future conservation work and reconstruction in the event of a disaster.
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Collection Date2012-06-01 to 2012-06-01
Publication Date2021-04-20
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
Site AuthorityTourism Saskatoon
2021: Third Avenue United Church - LiDAR - Terrestrial . Collected by Stantec . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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