Madaba - Church of the Virgin Mary & Hippolytus Hall, Jordan

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Project NameMadaba - Church of the Virgin Mary & Hippolytus Hall
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
Photogrammetry - Terrestrial75.98 GBNikon D610 , Nikon D5300 , Nikon D7200 DSLR , DSLR , DSLR
Photogrammetry - Aerial13.25 GBDJI Mavic Pro Drone
Site DescriptionThe Hippolytus Hall, an early sixth-century Byzantine villa, houses some of the most spectacular mosaics to be found, incorporating classical motifs of Phaedra and Hippolytus as well as the Three Graces (the daughters of Zeus: joy, charm, and beauty) and Aphrodite. The Church of the Virgin Mary, originally constructed in the late sixth century immediately to the east of the Hall, contains an exquisite mosaic with inscriptions detailing the name of the church and the inscription's date long after the rise of Islam in the region.
Project DescriptionIn December 2020 CyArk provided a virtual workshop on 3D digital documentation of cultural heritage to two faculty members and one student at the American University of Madaba. Following the workshop the trainees documented three sites in Madaba using terrestrial photogrammetry over four days.
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Collection Date2020-12-05 to 2020-12-09
Publication Date2021-03-08
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
CollectorsAmerican University of Madaba , Center for Near Eastern Archaeology, La Sierra University , Collins Institute for Archaeological Research, Gannon University
FundersAmbassador's Fund for Cultural Protection - Cultural Antiquities Task Force
PartnersCyArk , Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) , U.S. Embassy in Jordan
Site AuthorityDepartment of Antiquities (Jordan)
2021: Madaba - Church of the Virgin Mary & Hippolytus Hall - Photogrammetry - Terrestrial , Photogrammetry - Aerial . Collected by American University of Madaba , Center for Near Eastern Archaeology, La Sierra University , Collins Institute for Archaeological Research, Gannon University . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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