Benteng Indrapatra (F2), Indonesia
General Attributes |
DOI | 10.26301/w0hn-4b81 |
Project Name | Benteng Indrapatra (F2) |
Country | Indonesia |
Status | Published |
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Spatial Data | Download (Links to all available data types will be emailed) |
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Data Types |
Data Type |
Size |
Device Name |
Device Type |
Photogrammetry - Aerial | 3.82 GB GB | DJI Phantom 4 Pro | Drone |
Data Derivatives | 0.45 GB GB | Nikon D5 | DSLR |
Background |
Site Description | Cluster of thick-walled defensive fortifications and ancillary structures positioned on the coast. The site (MAHS-IDN-ACH-ABS-MRY-S-001) consists of four main well-built rectangular structures. Two of the walled fortifications are intact and in good condition (restored by BPCB), while the other two are ruined foundations. There are a number of supporting features built within or in close proximity to the main defensive fortification, such as wells. Some of the features are surrounded by standing water and a canal.
(MAHS-IDN-ACH-ABS-MRY-S-001-F-0002) This feature features two thick parallel walls that make up the exterior sites of a large square stone enclosure which is known from historic sources to have been a fortification. The construction consists of mid to large stones mortared together. The enclosure has one formal opening in the northern wall. The perimeter of the outside wall is approximately 280 meters in total length and the interior is about 5,000 square meters. The feature contains a number of smaller features that have been documented individually by the MAHS. The feature is well-built and has been restored as a heritage site. |
Project Description | The Maritime Asia Heritage Survey works to systematically inventory and digitally document the endangered cultural heritage in the Maldives, Indonesia, and elswhere across the region. The materials documented through this work are critically endangered, facing both natural and human threats that jeopardize the survival and accessibility of historical information for this vital node in pre-modern global economic and religious networks at the cross-roads of an interconnected Indian Ocean world. The data made available here was collected by our Field Team using FARO Focus S350 Lidar scanner, Nikon D750 DSLR, and DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone, DJI Matrice 300RTK with ZenMuse L1 and P1 payloads. |
Google Arts & Culture | View exhibit |
Additional Information | Learn more |
Collection Date | 2021-05-07 to 2021-05-07 |
Publication Date | 2022-08-20 |
License Type | CC BY-NC-ND |
Citation |
2022: Benteng Indrapatra (F2) - Photogrammetry - Aerial , Data Derivatives . Collected by Maritime Asia Heritage Survey . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D. |
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