Chavín de Huantar, Peru

General Attributes
Project NameChavín de Huantar
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Data Type Size Device Name Device Type
LiDAR - Terrestrial49.99 GBFaro Focus X330 Phase Based Laser Scanner
Photogrammetry27.03 GBNikon D810 , DJI Phantom 4 Pro DSLR , Drone
Site DescriptionLocated in the Peruvian Andes, Chavín de Huantar was the strategic capital and religious center of the pre-Inca, Chavín civilization. The project team from the University of California at Berkeley traveled to Chavín to digitally preserve this important site. The project's goal was to support and supplement archaeological activities and research being conducted by Stanford University with the intent of the new data becoming the foundation for an on-site conservation plan.
Project DescriptionCyArk's involvement with Chavín de Huntar began in 2005 when a research group from University of California, Berkeley traveled to Chavín to document the archaeological site with LiDAR. This expedition was meant to supplement research conducted under John Rick at Stanford University. The data produced in this expedition, currently hosted by CyArk, became a foundation for executing a conservation plan for the site. The venture was funded jointly by Stanford University and the Kacyra Family Foundation. With changing and more intensive El Niño weather patterns, Chavín has been under risk of flood erosion. In 2017 CyArk returned to Chavín to document the site's canals and the adjoining river bed to assist ongoing conservation efforts. LiDAR and photogrammetic documentation was completed over the principal structures.
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Collection Date2017-07-17 to 2017-07-24
Publication Date2018-04-16
License TypeCC BY-NC-SA
FundersJohn Ristevski
PartnersStanford University
Site AuthorityMinisterio de Cultura
CyArk 2018: Chavín de Huantar - LiDAR - Terrestrial , Photogrammetry . Collected by CyArk . Distributed by Open Heritage 3D.

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